Paul Karekezi
Lead Trainer

Paul Karekezi has 41 years of experience in infrastructure development (including traditional contracting and public-private partnerships) in Africa, with particular expertise in conducting feasibility studies, developing detailed designs, project management, contract administration, and procurement of services, works and goods.

Mr. Karekezi is based in Nairobi and is GIBB Africa’s Managing Director responsible for all work undertaken by the firm in East, Central and West Africa. He is a member of the Board of Directors of GIBB Africa Ltd, and until mid-2002 was a member of the Board of Directors of GIBB Africa International Ltd, Cyprus and GIBB Africa Pty, South Africa. He has held varying responsibilities in each of the three boards, including business development, human resources development, corporate strategy, finance and investment.

Mr. Karekezi has over 17 years of experience in contributing to and overseeing PPP project development and implementation, with a specific strength in infrastructure projects in emerging markets. In the water sector, he is well versed in project assessment (conducting feasibility studies) as well as packaging and optimizing business cases in order to prepare projects for tenders as well as project procurements.

Mr Karekezi also has experience in needs and options assessments, funding models, risk analysis and allocation/mitigation schemes, as well as private finance arrangements for road concession projects. He participated in the pipeline analysis of over 300 potential PPP projects in Kenya, for which the team developed preliminary business cases and financial models. He delivered PPP training to over 200 personnel in the public and private sector