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You are registering for the PPP Foundation Course Delegate Details First Name Middle Name Surame Note: Your name will appear on the certificate exactly as printed above except the title Job Title Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYY) Gender Select Your Gender Female Male Other Do you have any special Dietary needs? Please tick one Yes No If yes, please Specify (Information to include any allergies that should be taken into consideration when meals are provided) Do you have any other special needs (Assistance with access such as ramp for wheel chairs, access to lifts etc)? Please fill the details in the space provided below. Financed by: Select an option Company Self Sponsored If you have selected company, please download and fill the Sponsor Undertaking form if participants fees are being paid by their institution and send it to bookings@ipppi.org with the subject as 'Company approval for first-name surname'. If financed by Company, enter Company’s TAX Number (PIN/VAT): Invoicing Address: Postal Code: Telephone No: Mobile: Email: Nationality: Where did you hear about us? Select option Referral from a colleague Google Search Facebook Linkedin Other If other, kindly specify I have met the course Pre-Requisites as specified in the relevant “Data Sheet/Course Brochure” provided to me and attached a certified copy of the certificate. Upload Certificate Note The pre requisites and certification related information is provided in the Course Brochure/Data Sheet. Please request for the appropriate brochure / data sheet before you fill in this form, if you did not receive one. The core Manual is available for free and can be downloaded at the APMG Website: https://ppp-certification.com/ppp-certification-guide/about-ppp-guide. All delegates should procure their own manual. Delegates can also be provided with a manual but will only be charged printing fees as the manual is free. All delegates must carry a laptop or tablet to the course training sessions. Terms & Conditions Payment An applicant's enrolment and space in the Programme will only be confirmed after payment has been received. Training Hours These will vary and will be included on the training programme. Cancellation IP3I will make every effort to conduct the programmes as scheduled. However, in the event of a cancellation, IP3I’s liability will be limited to a full refund of the fees paid to IP3I. Alternatively, at the discretion of the applicant, the fees could be applied towards future training programmes within 12 months. A refund of the full fees will be made for cancellation of attendance by an applicant provided a written notice is received by IP3I within a period of not less than seven (7) days prior to commencement of the programme. Alternatively, applicants who cancel their attendance within the requisite notice period will be permitted to transfer to a subsequent programme scheduled within 12 months of the original programme's start date, on a space available basis. If the applicant would like to transfer to a more expensive programme, he/she would be required to pay the difference between the cost of the original programme and the subsequent programme. Cancellation by applicants received less than seven (7) days before the commencement of the programme or “no shows” will result in forfeiture of the full tuition fee, unless there are extenuating circumstances. In any case, the final decision in such cases will be at IP3I’s discretion. Requests for transfer to other training programmes, which are received less than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of a training programme, an applicant has fully paid for, will be permitted provided space is available. In the event that space is unavailable, then the conditions specified in point number 2 above will apply. Intellectual Property All intellectual property rights of IP3I in connection with this programme are expressly reserved, and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited. Certification Upon enrolment, IP3I requires that programme participants attend all training sessions. Full participation in all sessions is required for a participant to receive a certificate of attendance while an exam will have to be taken and passed in order for a participant to obtain certification for the PPP programme. I Accept the Terms and Conditions Courses Online Courses See Courses Classroom Courses See Courses